Wednesday, July 7, 2010

to tassel or not to tassel. that is the question.

so...first scarf completed. albeit a very very 'organic' individual little number. still tossing up whether or not to add tassels, but leaning toward not perhaps?

(for the last few weeks i've been enjoying the green next to acrylic on canvas attempt no 2, perched on my grandmother's old easel)


  1. No tassels, is beautiful without! Gorgeous colour.

  2. thanks for the vote nasim. i think the green is the hero of it all (more like the colour in the second photo in real life) so, despite suggestions of adding colour to it, it's going to be staying as it is - including no tassels as voted by the people!

  3. I think it's beautiful as it is, so vote for no tassels.

    It was great to meet you on the weekend too! I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with the fabric pieces.


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